Monday, May 17, 2010

Three Steps Forward, one step back

Well dear friends and family, my weekly progress report seems to have turned into a bi-weekly report. The chaos of life just keeps getting in the way of having a few moments to write to you. But do not fret, I am still working on this little project.

This report I'm afraid to say is a little bitter sweet. I am just finally starting to recover form one of the worst colds I've ever had so week 4 was a bit of a difficult one in terms of keeping up with my work outs. That and a big Mother's day meal made for a tough go. But I still managed to lose 1/2 a pound, so while I was a little disappointed at the small progress, at least it was progress.

Week 5 was really disappointing. I felt a bit better and got in more workouts, and while I was good most of the week, I spent this past weekend at a family gathering for my Mom's birthday, which of course meant food, food and more food and I gained that 1/2 pound back. Very disappointing.

I do take a bit of comfort in the fact that working out is getting a tad easier and, it's a small victory, but I do have one pair of pants that is getting baggy. OK, so it's a size 16, but's baggy and I'll take it dammit!;)

So, week four and I am holding steady at 10 pounds lost. Good news for those of you sponsoring me on a "per pound" basis::)) No so great for me, but I know the trick here is to not let one mild set back knock me off track.

It's a new week though, and I guess the lesson learned here is that although focussing on allot of exercise and activity is healthy over all, it is only 1/2 of the weight loss formula. Clearly just cutting out my bad habits is not enough of a diet plan. Time for me to find something of an organized regimen in terms of food and to stick to it.

That will be a challenge, but no one said it would be easy.

So dear readers, until next time, be well and take care. And anyone who know a good book or website on vegetarian dieting, I would greatly appreciate it. As always, thank you all for all the feedback, advice and words of encouragement. They are keeping me honest and are really appreciated.




Anonymous said...

You're doing it Nat!!!
Your back on track this week - what you lost and gained the past two are behind you - besides it's not all bad -- honestly - it would have been EASY to just gobble everything up and gain LOTS but you didn't - I take every little loss I can get and yes, some weeks when I weigh in it's 0.2 but that's okay!!! This week it was UP 0.6 but ya know what I'm still okay cus I thought it was going to be more like 3.5!!! So there you go -- maybe ya just gotta extend that 'deadline' -- maybe to Canada Day??? :D

CR said...

Hiya Girrl..

I think you are doing fabulous....and it's only normal to indulge once in a while...
Anyhow, I find for me that weekdays and weekends are completely different..I'm a lot more disciplined during the week...that's for sure, because it is very routine. But weekends are definitely more difficult. Maybe you can treat yourself during the a special outing...or eating out to a restaurant ( you can still eat healthy) but you know...served on a fancy plate makes it more fun and a treat....just an idea..
